Soul Contract Full Birth Chart PDF Download
Soul Contract Full Birth Chart PDF Download
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Discover Who You Are & Why You Are Here
One of the most valuable things we can have in our tool kit for life is understanding who we are and what it is that we are here to do. Get your full Soul Contract Birth Chart reading that will help reveal to you multiple layers of the deepest truth of who you are at the spiritual level. It used ancient channelled wisdom to reveal the absolute truth in a system of spiritual interpretation that decodes the secrets of the life hidden within your birth name.
The intention is for it to support you and living your life to be the best expression of yourself. This full birth reading will give you and an in-depth transmission of your own unique spiritual makeup. Over 100 pages of knowledge to help you understand your life and your purpose fully. Click here to see a sample reading.
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Soul Contract Reports
A Soul Contract Report is an accurate, in depth, channelled system of spiritual interpretation that will empower you to decode the Spiritual Map of Your Life so you can manifest your soul purpose.
It does this by decoding the secrets of the blueprint of your life hidden within your birth name.
- Do you feel there is something very important you are here to do in this life?
- Does it feel like it has been hidden from you and that you have been seeking it for your entire life?
- Are you feeling you just can’t quite get to what it is?
- Does it feel like there is always one challenge after another blocking you from turning it into a living reality?
A Soul Contract Report uses the sounds of Ancient Hebrew and channelled Ancient Wisdom to:
- Reveal the truth of how your life is really meant to work and empowers you to manifest your hidden Soul Purpose
Join us on a journey of going deeper into the mystery of your life where you will:
- Discover the precise strategy and solutions for overcoming your greatest challenges in life
- Express your natural talents in a deeper way
- Start manifesting your heart felt dreams
- Uncover that hidden secret of your life you have been searching for
So you can enjoy that deeply fulfilled life you have always desired.
A Soul Contract chart is generated based on the sounds of Ancient Hebrew, contained within your As Spelled birth certificate name. It describes the energies set in place by your soul for this life that creates your reality in each moment.
It describes your:
- Karma
- Talents
- Goals
- Soul destiny/Life purpose
→ The birth certificate name chart is interpreted to place your life experiences into perspective and to show where you are going.
Please note this service DOES NOT cover Current Names, Name Overlay Readings, Name Changes or Phonetic versions of non-English names. It provides the complete set of interpretations and recommendations for each of the seven aspects of your Soul Contract based upon the book Your Soul Contract Decoded.
At this price point it DOES NOT provide a personalised reading as there is no live interactive input from you. A live reading, at a higher price point, with a skilled and experienced practitioner is required for that. This is where they will assess where you are in your life in the present moment and answer your specific questions related to the challenges you currently face. Then they will take you from this place and come up with a focused strategy on how to move forward. Something that is not possible with the automated Soul Contract Reports system.
There are 2 types of report:
Summary Report
provides highlights of your interpretations on a single page
A taster of your unique Soul Contract. A Summary Report includes:
- Your Birth Chart
- A taste of the absolute truth of your life
- Highlights of your interpretations
- The hidden meaning of your life they have been searching for
- All included on a single summary page PDF report
- Ideal if you are still trying to decide whether to book a live reading or to come on the practitioner training.
- Generated by a qualified practitioner
- Emailed to you within 7 working days
- Please note this service DOES NOT cover Current Names, Name Overlay Readings, Name Changes or Phonetic versions of non-English names
Full PDF Report
provides your full in-depth interpretations with 75-140 pages
A full interpretation of your unique Soul Contract that includes:
- Your Birth Chart
- Your Summary Report
- Your full in-depth interpretations and
- Recommendations for overcoming your specific challenges
- To empower you to master your life
- With a 25-50 page in-depth Abbreviated PDF report
- With a 75-140 page in-depth Complete PDF report
- Generated by a qualified practitioner
- Emailed to you within 4 working days
- Please note this service DOES NOT cover Current Names, Name Overlay Readings, Name Changes or Phonetic versions of non-English names
* If you have less than 10 Hebrew sounds in your name this will produce a 'Short' name with 3 aspects rather than the 7 aspects of a long name and consequently a smaller number of interpretation pages. In this case you will receive a refund of £42.50 (50% of the normal £85 Full PDF Report price)