Soul Contracts
Manifest your soul purpose by decoding your Spiritual map for your life
•Do you feel that there is something very important you are here to do in this life that is inaccessible to you, that you have been seeking for your entire life?
•You have been on a journey to heal and need direction where to start
•Maybe life is chaotic and there is always another challenge blocking you from turning your goals into reality.
A Soul Contract Reading based on Ancient Hebrew spiritual numerology. It is also called The Spiritual Numerology of Moses. These letters and numbers carry a vibration. A Soul Contract Reading is an energetic interpretation that will empower you by decoding the secrets of the blueprint of your life hidden within your birth name.
• Reveal the truth of how your life is really meant to work
• Empowers you to manifest your hidden Soul Purpose
Go deeper into the mystery of your life where you will:
•Discover the precise strategy and solutions for overcoming your greatest challenges in life.
•Express your natural talents in a deeper way
•Start manifesting your heart felt dreams
•Learn how to create better relationships
•A chart based on the sounds of Ancient Hebrew, contained within your birth name describes the energies set in place by your soul for this life that create your reality in each moment. This work is based on the Kaballah with Tarot and Astrology.
•soul destiny/life purpose
•The chart is interpreted to place your life experiences into perspective and to show where you are going.
•Name changes and major relationships in your life are explained to show how you have evolved to where you are today.
•Recommendations are made to help you achieve your maximum potential in life.
•Name optimization can also be undertaken to help you achieve your maximum potential in life.
•For parents understanding your child’s soul contract can help you lead them in life.
•Baby Names: I am happy to help you choose an optimal name for your child.
Some may have seen his interview on Gaia regarding this unique method of truly helping others become of aware of their power. I was trained by #1 Best Seller of Soul Contract Decoded: Discovering the Spiritual Map of You Life with Numerology by Nicolas David Ngan. This method that has been changing lives for over 30 years. Contact me for a free15min consultation to see if a Soul Contract is right for you.
This page is for inquries regarding a Soul Contract Birth Chart readings including mini & full live readings along with mini and full pdf versions.
Contact me for a clarity session to discuss @